Thursday, April 04, 2013

Happy Easter!

When I was little, my brother, my sister, and I would draw pictures for holidays and "decorate" our rooms with them.
I'm sitting at the computer and I look up on the wall above it, and I see a cross from Easter a few years ago. We still have that on the wall, as well as a happy Easter sign I made.. A little awkward but a little more precious.
We used to be so innocent around the holidays. I think our main concerns were the gifts.. Christmas presents from Santa, chocolates on Valentine's day, Easter baskets on Easter.. Now that I'm older and don't get the same joy out of things like looking for the red light of rudolph's nose in the sky and searching endlessly for my Easter basket, I actually am trying to take the time to remember the real reason for the seasons.
Christ died for us, so that we could be happy and carefree everyday for eternity.
On this day He is risen, and our lives are truly blessings from Him!

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