Saturday, March 30, 2013

Blessing In Disguise

I've been paying close attention lately to the little things in my day that I've always taken for granted. Every morning I ask God to show me a blessing in disguise, but one afternoon at work I realized that they're everywhere anyways. You just have to look for them.
It's a beautiful thing, really. The smallest acts of kindness can really brighten your day if you pay attention enough to notice them. Simple things like a customer giving someone in front of them a few cents to help pay for their meal. Someone complimenting my work/work ethic while I sweep the floors in dining room, it's really encouraging. A simple smile from one person to another.
Every one you pass by is fighting some kind of battle, and I know first hand that these little acts of kindness go a long way when you're feeling lonely or somehow broken.
I read a story about a man who walked to a bridge one day, and when he got there, he jumped. The police searched his house for any signs why and found a suicide note that read, "I'm walking to the bridge. If anyone smiles at me, I won't jump."
My point is, share a smile every chance you get. Any random act of kindness, no matter how big, small, or relevant, it could save someone's life.

Friday, March 29, 2013

I Still Suck At Writing..

My last post was before I started high school, this post is right after I graduated high school. I graduated a semester early in January of 2013. Senior year.. I made it!
It's just so funny to me to look back and read the posts from before I started high school and compare them to after 4 years of high school experience.. I wrote down things I thought I knew, only to realize four years later that they were only ideas. Those ideas became so real through my high school experiences, but I wouldn't want to learn them any other way than I did. My four years of high school were filled with every kind of emotion from love to heartbreak, bliss to depression, and everything in between. There are a lot of memories I wish I could forget, but even still I wouldn't trade them for the world.
I started high school with cliche thoughts of what it would be like. But now, four years later, I look back on those thoughts and realize just how wrong I was.. High school was very far from the best four years of my life. There were so many hard times I had to go through that no one should ever have to experience. I would never wish the amount of hurt I felt on anyone. Although I say I hated high school, without it all I would not be the strong, independent, genuine, beautiful soul that I am today. I couldn't be more proud of the girl my pain and mistakes lead me to be.
I am stronger now than I ever imagined I could be, and I am happier with myself than I ever thought possible.
Thank you high school, for being the worst four years of my life.