Home away from home- that's what I consider this insanely amazing school. From the beautiful view of the mountains to the love and genuine care of the people around me, the atmosphere of the entire school leads me to believe that this is the only place I am supposed to be. I'm surrounded by the most Godly influences I have ever imagined knowing, who are passionate about teaching everything they know about who the Lord is and what He wants to do through my life. My daily goal has shifted from self-centered or world-centered to Christ-centered, and I know that I have nothing to complain about anymore. I have nothing to be sad about. I have no reason to question what's happening to me because I've learned throughout my life that there is a bigger and better reason than I can even comprehend at the time.
However, this does not go without saying that I have now seen more and more mistakes that I have made and that I make daily. Being at North Greenville has opened up my eyes more than anything I have ever experienced has. Before coming here, I thought I knew everything I needed to know about how to handle things. Not that I was wrong with the things I thought I knew, I was wrong with the perspective I had on everything. I always thought, "I did so good in this situation! I handled things better than anyone else could have! I was right, like always!" Maybe I did do good handling a situation. Maybe my intuition or my knowledge and advice did end up being the right answer. But the intuition and answers didn't come from me, they never have. If it weren't for God's awesome power, I would never have gone through any of the things I went through. I would never have gained the knowledge I have now if it weren't for Him. It's been Him picking me back up off the ground, even when I've been leaning on anything and anyone else. All glory, all righteousness, all answers that I may seem to give, He deserves the credit for.
I'm really not the best writer, but I hope that somehow I can share the love that I've found in Him and the reasons why I'm trusting in Him in a way that makes sense. I don't feel like I know how to share His love for me in words that are understood by anyone else, but I hope I can get to a point where it just comes naturally. After all the times He has saved me, how could I not give my life to Him?
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