The funniest part about the picture is how innocent I was when I wrote it. I didn't care one bit about the "friends" I "lost" in middle school. I had no idea that it would take heart break after heart break in every area of my life to find out who I was, I thought it would just come to me.
Growing up? HA. Little did I know that that was barely even the beginning.
Drama? Middle school drama. Probably me and someone at my assigned table arguing over markers.
Starting over? The hell if I started over with anyone. I have no clue who that was even about. I don't even remember the names of people I talked to in middle school, after four short years. Those friendships I thought were worth worrying about, I don't even remember.
It's actually scary how different I am four short years later.. I know exactly who I am, but I had to LEARN in the hardest ways. I know what it means to have a bad day. I definitely don't have the innocence I had in middle school. My high school destroyed any innocence anyone still had before they went there. I know what it means to like a boy as more than a friend, in middle school I liked every boy I thought was cute. I know what it means to have drama between friends. I've watched friendships and families break apart with more drama than I ever imagined in middle school.
The innocence of a child is one of the most precious things left on this earth, and it is overwhelmingly upsetting how quickly it is fading.
We have 14 year olds, even 12 year olds getting pregnant, partying every weekend, using more foul language than your average 17 year old boy. It's the kids my age leading these younger kids down the path to destruction that they will have not the first idea how to handle, because as children, they still have that naïveté about the real world. Until mommy and daddy stop driving you around, chaperoning social events, paying your way through every little thing you want or need, the more childhood innocence you truly still have.
I had no idea what people were like, what real hardships were, what real emotions were, or even who I myself was until recently. Until recently, I also thought I knew what I was doing, but I am still learning just how wrong I was.
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