I do not agree with nor condone the lifestyle choices Jenner has made, but I will proudly say I agree with the way she is impacting people's lives. Past her appearance and gender identity struggles, she is advocating suicide prevention and open mindedness towards loving those who are different. Instead of focusing on what's wrong with the world, why don't we focus on what's right for a while? Instead of posting status updates about what we had for dinner or how we disagree with so-and-so about such-and-such, why don't we compliment someone or write something positive we've seen in the world around us. It takes the same amount of time and effort to be positive, and you aren't the only one who will be impacted by a smile.
Imagine this: you go to chickfila alone for lunch. An older lady is in there eating alone too. You could do one of two things: 1) walk by her on your way to the restroom, acting as though she is just another face in the crowd; or 2) sit down at the table next to her and be intentional with her-- smile at her and ask her how she is doing, ask her if she'd like you to take her tray of trash or get her a refill on her drink, let her know that even though you've never met her and she knows nothing about you, you care about her. Her confidence and happiness will increase and regardless of what she has going on outside of the walls of that chickfila, she might be able to smile at someone else.
In a world of increasing technological advances and larger screens to hide behind, may we always remember how important physical social contact is for the sake of saving lives.
"We need more tolerance and empathy towards other people. It's so hard for young people because they can't see the future...and because of that they become extraordinarily desperate, and suicide becomes an option. We have to do something about that. Young people have to realize that there is so much help out there." -Caitlyn Jenner